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In the high schools he attended at the Santa Maria Institute he had as professors, among others, Ferdinando Taviani, Marco Maria Olivetti and Bruno Mantura.

Initially raised at the school of Enrico Castelli Gattinara, he graduated with honors in philosophy at Wisdom of Rome in 1974, where he also obtained with honors the Diploma of Specialization in Philosophical Research with professors Pietro Prini, Leo Lugarini, Marco Maria Olivetti and Valerio Verra. The two theses on Overbeck, Burckhardt and Nietzsche would later be published in two different volumes both financed by the CNR. At the same time he attended the Pontifical Gregorian University for four years. 

He taught at the Liceo Classico "Tito Lucrezio Caro" as IRC from 1975 to 2007.  From 1991 to today he has been teaching at theHigher Institute of Religious Studies "Ecclesia Mater" della Pontifical Lateran University. Called in 1986 to teach the History of Religions at the "Caymari" Institute connected to the Pontifical Lateran University, he then began teaching in 1991, still carried out, at the Higher Institute of Religious Sciences "Ecclesia Mater" of the same Pontifical University and since 2007 at the Higher Institute of Religious Sciences "Fides et Ratio" of L'Aquila, as a permanent teacher, in the teachings of Philosophy of religion, The problem of God in 20th century philosophy, Problems and questions of contemporary philosophy, Introduction to philosophy, The ideologies of the twentieth century.


In 1997, for five years, he was also professor of Fundamental Theology and Dogmatic Theology at LUMSA. He is a member of the scientific committee of Rosminian Review, the oldest Italian philosophical journal (founded in 1906) for which he has produced numerous essays and reviews and is a founding member of the International Society for the Unity of Sciences "L'Arcipelago". He was a scientific member of the organization of the International Congress of Naples, for the bicentenary of the death of Antonio Rosmini, held at the Italian Institute of Philosophical Studies in  Naples from 22 to 25 October 1997.


In addition to the "Rivista Rosminiana" Rossi has collaborated with numerous other philosophy magazines; “Philosophy Today”, “Magazine of Neo-Scholastic Philosophy”, “The Contribution”, “Reviews”, “Metalogicon”. He is  was also a member of the Scientific Committee of El uno y  lo mùltiple of Beunos Aires.


He collaborated with RadioThree from 1981 to 1985 for the presentation of philosophy books and journals.   

He worked with Corrado Giannantoni with whom he wrote Dal multi-verso all'Uni-verso tendential, published by Sigraf with the funding of the Order of Engineers of Pescara. Giannantoni explicitly mentions Roberto Rossi in the text Paper Emergy Conference Gainesville 2016 and in the references of the same paper. Already in October 2002 he had prepared the preface to the volume C. Giannantoni, The maximum Em-Power principle as the basis for thermodynamics of Quality, co-financed by the "Center for Environmental Policy" of the University of Florida in Gainesville, then translated into Italian with the title The principle of maximum emergetic power as the basis for a thermodynamics of Quality, publication edited by the Order of Engineers of Pescara published by Sigraf in 2006. The book with which Roberto Rossi made his debut was however a small volume of 1983 reviewed in "Civiltà Cattolica ” from Gualberto Giachi, On Atheism. Aphorisms, published by the Cultural Editorial Studio of Genoa.


The National Research Council (CNR) then decided to finance the costs of publishing the two texts by Roberto Rossi on the grounds that they were the first works in Italy on those themes: Time and sacredness in Nietzsche and Overbeck, Abete, Rome 1985 and Nietzsche and Burckhardt, Tilgher, Genoa 1987. For this reason these two works and other essays on the same subject suggested to Professor Giorgio Penzo to ask for Rossi's collaboration for the entries "Burckhardt" and "Overbeck" relating to the volume Nietzsche. Atlas of his life and thought, Rusconi, Milan 1999. After the contribution given to the Trento Conference Burckhardt, Overbeck and Nietzsche: Christianity or Nihilism Marcello Frediani (whom Luca Doninelli defines as "the genius of linguistics" and who died prematurely in 1991 for a poorly treated melanoma) interviewed Roberto Rossi for the weekly "Il Sabato".


In 2003, Maria Adelaide Raschini dedicated a volume to one of her reference figures, Maria Adelaide Raschini. The intelligence of charity winner of the International Prize and in 2005 published Foundation and history with an introduction by Antonio Livi now in its fourth edition reprint.


Reprinted in Italian and translated into Portuguese (Introduçao à philosophy, Ed. Loyola, S. Paolo del Brasile 1996) another well-circulated text is Introduction to Philosophy. History and systems published in 1993 and reprinted in 2001.


Between 2006 and 2012 he published the three volumes on The ideologies of the twentieth century and more recently two ponderous volumes of over 1000 pages on Hegel-Rosmini for the Biblioteca di Studi Rosminiani.


He spoke with a contribution on Good and Evil in Catholic Christianity, at the ASUS National Conference, organized by the Faculty of Letters of the Roma Tre University, 25-26 October 2013 for dialogue between religions and on Jesus in literature and philosophy, Published


Recently, on December 15, 2022, he was one of the curators of the interreligious meeting between Jews and Muslims at the Pontifical Lateran University on the theme of Hanukkah, the festival of lights. Meaning and rites of celebration.


His scientific production also boasts about sixty conferences, essays and reports and about three hundred reviews.


  • (1983),On atheism. Aphorisms, Genoa.


  • (1985),Time and sacredness in Nietzsche and Overbeck, funded by the National Research Council, Abete, Rome, the first work in Italy on the thought of FC Overbeck.


  • (1986),Inner Objectivity. Posthumous lessons from MF Sciacca, ex aequo winner of the International Prize of the “Fondazione Michele Federico Sciacca”, Genoa.


  • (1987),Nietzsche and Burckhardt, funded by the CNR, Tilgher, Genoa.


  • (1993),Introduction to philosophy. History and systems, EDB, Bologna 1993, 2001 ®, (also reviewed on also published in the Portuguese edition, translated by Aldo Vannucchi, Introduçao à philosophy, S. Paolo del Brasile 1996.


  • (1995),The roots of twentieth-century nihilism, Genoa.


  • (2001),Foundation and History, with an introduction by Antonio Livi, Rome 2005 (4th edition).


  • (2003),Maria Adelaide Raschini. The intelligence of charity, winner of the International Prize, Marsilio, Venice (also reviewed on


  • (2003),person and personality, Ragusa.​

  • (2006-2010),The ideologies of the twentieth century: from Nietzsche to Löwith,vol. I-II, Rome.

  • (2009),Religiosity, religions and faith. Outlines of the history of religionsTodi.


  • (2009),Reason and intelligenceTodi.


  • (2011),The intelligence of faith,Todi.


  • (2012),The ideologies of the twentieth century: from Nietzsche to Löwith, vol. III, Rome.


  • (2014),From multi-verse to uni-verse,funded by the Order of Engineers of Pescara, Pescara 2014.

  • (2014),From sure to true. For an explicit metaphysical foundation of Wittgenstein's thoughtLateran University Press, 2014.


  • (2015),inner objectivity, Rome.


  • (2015),Hegel-Rosmini, Library of Rosminian Studies, 2 vols. Stresa.


  • (2018),The misunderstandings of interreligious dialogue. A rereading of the documents of the Magisterium, Rome.


  • (2021),Outlines for a philosophy of intersubjectivity, with an introduction by Markus Krienke, Rome.

Essays and Conferences

  • Of the years of teaching from 2008 to 2018 at the Higher Institute of Religious Sciences "Fides et Ratio" in L'Aquila, in addition to the volumes published by the TAU publishing house in Todi, the following essays are also evidenced:

  • Our hope is hope for others, in “Faithfully”, ISSR magazine “Fides et Ratio”, L'Aquila, year I, n° 0, TAU, Todi 2008;

  • The journey of intelligence. Paul witness of the discreet presence of God in history, in “Faithfully”, ISSR magazine “Fides et Ratio”, L'Aquila, year 3, n. 2, 2011, p. 1-22.

Wise men

  • Examination of the Forty Rosminian propositions, in "Rivista Rosminiana", III, 1986.

  • Kant, Hegel, Rosmini and the idea of progress, in AA.VV., Responsbilità della cultura, Japadre, L'Aquila-Roma 1990.

  • The philosophy of integral education in the thought of Sciacca, in "Studi sciacchiani", 1-2 1998

  • Problem of being and philosophy of the absolute, in "The thought of A. Rosmini two centuries after his birth", Morcelliana, Brescia 1999, vol. THE.

  • The Thomism of Augustinian Rosmini, in 'Philosophy Today', I, 2005.

  • Sciacca: metaphysics of integrality, in "Philosophy Today", I, 2010.

  • Rosmini and Duns Scotus, in “Rivista Rosminiana”, Jan-June 2015, pp. 73-76.


  • Nietzsche in the work of Sciacca, in Proceedings of the First Course of the "Sciacca Chair", The presence of the classics in Sciacca's thought, Genoa 27-29 April 1994, Leo S. Olschki ed., Florence 1995.

  • The ontological imbalance in Sciacca, in AA.VV., Michele Federico Sciacca and philosophy today, 2 vols., Proceedings of the International Congress, Rome 5-8 April 1995, vol. THE.

  • Rosmini and the English Enlightenment, International Congress, Naples 22-25 October 1997, in AA.VV., Rosmini and the Encyclopedia of Sciences, Olschki, Florence 1998.

  • Borges and Sciacca. Separated brothers, last humanists, in "El Uno y lo mùltiple", Revista Internacional de Filosofìa, April-1997-March 1998.

  • The heterogenesis of ends: Vico and Hegel, Bocca di Magra, 7-11 Sept.1999.

  • Sciacca after Nietzsche, Bocca di Magra, XIII Course 'MF Sciacca Chair':, 6-8 September 2009.

  • Nietzsche and Michelstaedter, Bocca di Magra, XVI Course "MF Sciacca Chair", 2013.

  • Sciacca and German idealism, Bocca di Magra, XIX Course “MF Sciacca Chair”, 1-4 September 2016, in “Annals of the Sciacca Foundation”, vol. VI, pp. 33-48.

  • Sciacca and Hegel, XXI Course "Sciacca Chair", 1-4 September 2018.

Other Contributions

  • Report on the Ischia Conference, Identity of Italian philosophy and European cultural community, 29-31 October 1984, in "Rivista Rosminiana", I, 1985.

  • Report on the "Colloque Lavelle", in "The Contribution", IV, 1985.

  • Reason and Religion in David Hume, in “Rivista Rosminiana”, II, 1986.

  • Locke's critique of Aristotelian logic, in "Rivista Rosminiana", II, 1987.

  • Kantian Studies, in "Rivista Rosminiana", I, 1990.

  • For an interpretation by Thomas Mann, in Riscontri, Apr.-Sept.2001, Sabatia


  • Walter Biemel, Heidegger master of phenomenology in AA.VV., Tracce heideggeriane, Pontificio Ateneo Antonianum, Rome 1990, pp. 7-28.

Collaborations with Vatican Radio for the presentation of texts

  • M. Cozzoli, The man on his way to ... Waiting and hope in Gabriel Marcel, Abete, Rome 1979, broadcast on March 21, 1980.

  • G. Campana, Liberation and Salvation of man in Spinoza, Città Nuova, Rome 1978, broadcast on April 18, 1980.

  • J. Guitton, My little catechism, A. Luciani, Catechetica in briciole, Paoline, Rome 1979, broadcast on 21 April 1980.

  • G. Beltotto, I interviewed silence, Città Armoniosa, Reggio Emilia 1979, broadcast on April 21, 1980.

  • A. von Speyr, Fragments autobiographiques, Lethielleux, Paris 1978, broadcast on April 21, 1980.


  • Giovanni Chimirri, Review to Roberto Rossi, MA Raschini, The intelligence of charity, in “Rivista rosminiana”, Jan-Mar 2005, pp. 115-118.

  • Marco Porta, Review to Roberto Rossi, Foundation and History. Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion, Acta Philosophica, International Philosophy Review, fasc. II, vol. 15 (2006), p. 365-367.

  • Pier Paolo Ottonello, Review to Roberto Rossi, Intelligence and reason, in "Philosophy Today", Oct-Dec 2010, pp. 409-412.

  • Pier Paolo Ottonello, voice "Roberto Rossi", in Polls in the contemporary world, Marsilio, Venice 2012, pp. 299-302.

  • Marco Damonte, Review to Roberto Rossi, From certain to true, ReF (Philosophical reviews), 10 February 2015 a.html

  • Pier Paolo Ottonello, Review to Roberto Rossi, From certain to true, In “Rivista Rosminiana”, Jan-June 2015 pp. 194-195.

  • Vincenzo Parisi, Giovanni Chimirri, Review to Roberto Rossi, Hegel-Rosmini, “For Philosophy. Philosophy and Teaching”, 1, 2017.

  • Giovanni Chimirri, Review to Roberto Rossi, Hegel and Rosmini, 2 vols., Edizioni Rosminiane Sodalitas, Stresa 2015, pp. 510 + 510, “Rivista Rosminiana”, Jul-Dec 2018, pp. 389-391.

  • Mario Balzano, Review to Roberto Rossi, The misunderstandings of interreligious dialogue. A rereading of the documents of the Magisterium, Rivista Rosminiana, Jul-Dec 2019, pp. 395-398.

  • Valentina Pelliccia, Roberto Rossi: "Foundation and History", in

  • Review to R. Rossi, Introduction to philosophy,

  • Aa.Vv., Sciacca and the necessity of metaphysics,


  • Interview with Roberto Rossi, The doubts of the post-Conclave, NewsItaliaSocietà,, L'INDRO, Independent Daily Insight, -14/74721-pope-of-change-or-transition

  •, Rino Farda, Research on embryos, spallata at the limit of fourteen days, in "Word of Life" May 12, 2016.

Roberto Rossi Philosopher

2023 by Roberto Rossi Philosopher

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